Looking Back, Looking Ahead

We had a wonderful night earlier this month playing with the Busch Brothers in Mount Vernon’s First Street Community Center. The night was a triple decker combination of Beatles, Dixieland, and classic jazz. The band and the audience had a rollicking time. We always love that Mount Vernon gig and are grateful to the sponsors Fred Burke Investments and Dr. John and Jennifer Vander Zee, as well as Mike Smith for his always solid support, and Rick and Trude Elliott for providing such a super concert venue. Our toes are still tapping.

And looking ahead—we are excited to be returning to the Ideal Theater and Bar and will be back there on November 9 from 8:00 to 11:00. The beautifully restored space almost promises that Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald will be arriving soon. And if they did they’d sit right down and start listening to jazz. The Fitzgeralds may not make it in November but you can. And we hope you will. You’ll enjoy the space, the drinks, AND the music. And we’ll enjoy having you with us. See you on November 9.

Band in action

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